Environment Art Thoughts

We watched The Jungle Book the other night, and I love the backgrounds in it. They're soft, painty, and have a great sense of depth without becoming overly busy. 3D video games already do the thing where things far away look lower-poly & less detailed, but it'd be cool if you could harness that and turn it more into the effect you get in a painting. A, uh... top-down game might not be the place for that to shine though. Maybe you could still work in some lovely traditional-media feelings?... I love Tyrus Wong's pastel-textured concept art for Bambi—atmospheric, ethereal, dreamy, and I haven't seen that sort of thing in games. Probably because it doesn't play well with game engines at all. But I dunno, I certainly get inspired when I look at those, and there could be some elements that really align with a contemplative/calm tone, if that's what we end up going for. One more note: I'd love to push the "color compression" of different spaces wit...