The Proper Punishment Makes You Wry (Not Cry)
Negative consequences are a great space! They can even be enjoyable when wallowing in them is visceral, memorable (things like the wrath of chickens in Zelda); but they can be just plain annoying if they're mechanically crippling (things like Resurrection Sickness in WoW; experience-loss-on-death in Diablo 2). My proposal is basically that punishments should provoke more of a smilingly rueful feeling than a frustrated or stymied one. In a game where social interaction is a big important loop, and characters react to you, I think there's a lot of room for fun. Here are some ideas for harmless oofs you can have. Things that can happen (a)when you tweak off an NPC, (b)when you fail in a way or condition that demands consequence, (c)when you behave like a general ass, or (d)when foul things conspire to roost in your life. In many of these cases, there's an opportunity for NPCs to recognize what's happening to you in funny ways. Punishment shoes: For a real life minute, ...